
「国際ふぐ協会」会報 Vol.93

「国際ふぐ協会」会報 vol.93

International Fugu Association Newsletter Vol. 93


Dear All Members.
I am Furukawa, the representative.
As the scorching heat continues daily, a typhoon will hit us soon.
Meanwhile, the highly contagious coronavirus is spreading.
Although the coronavirus is now considered a cold, please be careful.


<活動> <Activities>


場所: 大連世界博覧会広場(Dalian World Expo Center)
主催: 中国水産流通加工協会(CAPPMA)

1. We were invited to the 2024 Asia-Pacific Aquatic Products Expo in Dalian, China.
Date and time: July 26, 2024
Location: Dalian World Expo Center
Organizer: China Aquatic Product Processing and Marketing Alliance (CAPPMA)

As you know, the Chinese government is currently prohibiting the importation of seafood products from Japan. In this situation, CAPPMA and the International Seafood Festival Organizing Committee held the 2024 Asia-Pacific Aquatic Products Expo in Dalian. The International Fugu Association was invited to give a speech at the opening ceremony as a special guest.


I was also featured in the opening ceremony program.



Dalian is just under a two-hour flight from Fukuoka City. It is an international trading city where retro buildings from when it was leased to Russia remain. The seaside area is crossed by the famous Dalian North Bridge, giving it a great atmosphere.



The gourmet restaurant is famous for its seafood. You can choose your ingredients from the fish tank and have them cooked for you. Shrimp, shellfish, sea cucumbers, and live fish are lined up in the showcase, and you can choose your dish from there.



On the day before the expo, we were also welcomed by the China Fisheries Association's Pufferfish Division members. We last met in the 2018 Japan-China Pufferfish Exchange Meeting. It was nostalgic to see everyone, and we were able to deepen our friendship after a long time. Currently, the fishery trade between Japan and China is difficult, but we were able to have a constructive discussion about whether we could do anything for each other. In southern China, Mefugu (Obscure pufferfish: Takifugu obscurus) are mainly used in soup, while in the northern part, such as Dalian, many tiger puffers are farmed, and 30,000 tons of Obscure pufferfish and 5,000 tons of tiger pufferfish are farmed in China as a whole. Only tiger pufferfish are exported to Japan and Korea, but imports to Japan, which once amounted to over 4,000 tons, have decreased to a 1,000-ton level in recent years. There are various reasons, including the weak yen and rising labor costs, the major influences. Also, pufferfish consumption in China has been slow since the COVID-19 pandemic but is definitely increasing. I also thought there might be an opportunity to export Japanese fugu to China in the near future, but I felt a clear difference in the atmosphere from my visit in 2018. The downturn in China's real estate market is severe. The impact is great, and high-end restaurants are struggling as well. The wealthy transfer their assets overseas and send their children to study abroad from an early age.

We would like to monitor the situation in our sizeable neighboring country and consider and act on ways to grow together in the same fugu industry.

The next day, I visited Dalian Tianzheng’s pufferfish booth and had many conversations with the staff.




The fish in his hand is a Mefugu, a popular fish in southern China. Although it originally lives in brackish waters, it is also farmed in extensive land-based facilities. It is smaller than the Tiger Pufferfish, at about 500g, and is not eaten raw but stewed in soup or other dishes. It is said to be less than half the price of farmed Tiger Pufferfish.


Many fascinating processed pufferfish products were on display, some unavailable in Japan. Personally, I thought the pufferfish dumplings looked delicious.

さて、開会式の講演ですが、まずは主催のCAPPMAの崔代表から 「中国水産物消費市場の発展」をテーマに説明されました。

Now, the opening ceremony began with a speech by Mr. Cui, the representative of the organizer CAPPMA, who gave a talk on the theme of "Development of China's Seafood Consumer Market."




It was in Chinese, so I couldn't understand the details. However, China's imports and exports of seafood are driven by processing. The trade war with the United States has led to a trade deficit, and the country continues to struggle. Domestic aquaculture has developed rapidly, and production has increased significantly, but in 2023, aquaculture production decreased for the first time worldwide (outside of South America), including China. Pangasius aquaculture in Vietnam has decreased significantly. There was also a surplus of feed, and many fish farms could not harvest fish. The declining birthrate and young people's move away from fishing have become apparent. Wholesale markets, supermarkets, and new retailers are declining as issues for seafood sales. Instead, food services, e-commerce, and live broadcasting are on the rise, and they will focus on growing markets. Regarding crustaceans, crayfish have an advantage over crabs, etc. A deep analysis was conducted, including a global situation.


Next, Furukawa gave a 30-minute speech as part of the Japan-China fugu exchange event on "Spreading the traditional food culture of Japanese fugu in China."





Introduction to the International Fugu Association. History of Japanese Fugu. Differences between China and Japan in ensuring the safety of fugu. Changes in wild and farmed fugu. Fugu restaurants in Japan are crowded with inbound tourists. I spoke for about 30 minutes about these topics. There were about 200 attendees, and everyone listened attentively until the end. By coincidence, Consul Tamura of the Economic Section of the Japanese Consulate in Shenyang was also in attendance, and he was very surprised that a Japanese person, particularly a fugu seminar, was holding the opening ceremony of a prominent local fisheries exhibition. This invitation from CAPPMA was special.

This time, I learned about the cutting-edge of Chinese seafood processing, interacted with the Chinese Fugu Association, and conveyed the appeal of Japanese fugu to many people involved in the fisheries industry. I want to express my sincere gratitude to CAPPMA and all those involved.

Thank you very much. “谢谢”



International Seafood Show 2024 opens next month


All the booths are already sold out. Combined with Agrifood, this will be the biggest event ever. We are eagerly anticipating a crowded event with many buyers, and we can't wait to see you there.
If you are in the area, please register in advance below.
We will report on the International Fugu Association booth in next month's newsletter.

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