
「国際ふぐ協会」会報 Vol.92

「国際ふぐ協会」会報 vol.92

International Fugu Association Newsletter Vol. 92


Dear All Members. 
I am Furukawa, the representative. 
Many parts of Japan are in the middle of the rainy season, and the effects of heavy rains are a concern. Red tides have already started appearing in Kyushu, and we hope we will not experience the same significant damage as last year.


<活動> <Activities>

1. 全国海水養魚協会トラフグ部会の定例WEB会議に参加しました。



1. We participated in the regular online conference of the Torafugu Division of the Japan Mariculture Association (JMA).

Torafugu farming is concentrated in Western Japan, and issues such as high water temperatures, red tides, and fish meal used as fish feed were discussed.

- Shimonoseki Market shared the status of tiger pufferfish farming in China so sales can continue smoothly this season.

- The International Fugu Association requested the JMA for assistance and support for negotiations with the Taiwanese government to lift the ban on imports of Japanese Fugu and for future promotion.

With the increase in the global population, the aquaculture industry is a burgeoning sector with promising growth potential. In this environment, the environment surrounding Japanese Fugu businesses is challenging and could be more lively. Therefore, our association must do our best to provide a good report.


2. 法人化
 ① 法的な安定性と信頼性が向上します。
 ② 国際ふぐ協会は営利を目的としない組織形態です。
 ③ 組織運営の透明性が高まります。これにより、ガバナンスが強化され、組織の健全な運営が可能になります。
 ④ 一般社団法人は個人に依存せず、法人としての永続性が保証されます。これにより、個人の事情に左右されずに組織の活動を継続できます。

2. Incorporation
- The International Fugu Association aims to become a general incorporated association. The paperwork is taking time, but the registration should be completed by the end of July.
Our commitment to operating without charging membership fees remains unchanged.
- The reasons for Incorporation are as follows.
 ① Legal stability and reliability will be improved.
 ② The International Fugu Association is a non-profit organization.
   As a result, it will be apparent that our activities are not profit-seeking.
 ③ The transparency of organizational management will be increased. This will strengthen governance and enable the organization to be run soundly.
 ④ Incorporation as a general incorporated association will have a profound impact on our activities. It will free us from dependence on individuals and ensure the organization's permanence as a corporation, allowing us to continue our activities without being influenced by personal circumstances.


3. 台湾への貝類の衛生証明書の変更


3. Changes to shellfish sanitary certificates for Taiwan

Starting with the June 1, 2024 issue, the method of issuing sanitary certificates for shellfish exported to Taiwan has changed from paper to electronic. Please visit the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries website for details.


This time, it is a sanitary certificate for shellfish, not Fugu, but export procedures should be issued electronically.

I am pleased that preparations are progressing steadily ahead of lifting the ban on Fugu imports.



4. Hokkaido Fugu
・In recent years, wild Torafugu has become more common in Fukushima and Miyagi prefectures due to global warming, but I went to Hakodate, Hokkaido, to check on the Fugu situation.

・The abundance of southern fish, including Fugu, yellowtail, mackerel, and sardines, in fishing ports on the Japan Sea side has led to a state of confusion, as these species are not typically caught in such large numbers.

・The Fugu landings that continued for about one to two weeks in the area have now ended, but it seems that Fugu landings will continue in other parts of Hokkaido, such as the Okhotsk Sea, from autumn.


以上です。That's all for today.


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