Dear International Fugu Association members,
Hello everyone.
I am happy to deliver the 37th issue of the International Fugu Association (IFA) newsletter.
It's almost December, so it's finally winter
However, tora-fugu are caught off the coast of Chiba because of global warming!?.
Now, as recent activity,
1.Each paper featured the puffer promotion to Singapore!
2.Unified rules for Japanese Fugu processing certification standards
On October 31, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) notified each local government to unify the rules for obtaining the Fugu license.
As a result, all local governments will offer the puffer examination!?
The Japanese government informed Singapore Food Agency SFA of its English version.
Still, SFA seems to be considering lifting the ban on milt, skins, and fins only of the farmed Torafugu.
I think they are worried about the emerging hybrid Fugu.
The Japanese government makes no distinction between the safety of farmed and wild Fugu. I am concerned with it that it might influence the negotiations with SFA in the future.
So with assistance from the Shimonoseki market, I identified the major handling companies and organizations of wild Fugu and reported to the Japanese government as requested.
Depending on the situation, the government may issue a press release to collect opinions on wild Fugu fishers.
Since it is a project that has taken more than five years, I will continue to pay my efforts diligently, without overreaction, to the liberalization of Fugu imports by Singapore.
3. The International Fugu Association was featured in the November issue of Midori Shobo's aquaculture business journal.
I contributed a writing about the current situation of Singapore's Fugu imports and promotion activities of the International Fugu Association.
4.I participated in a seminar held at a PR event of the All Japan Fishery Products Processing
Cooperative Association. In this promotional event for travel agencies and hotels,
I did a presentation entitled "Safety and charm of Torafugu that has been eaten in Japan since ancient times" and talked about the market created by the inbound visitors.
The flagship restaurant of Uoza in Nanba, Osaka, hosted the seminar, whose interior holds a big live tank decorated as a Japanese fishing boat.
I had a valuable experience in the restaurant, which was very busy with many overseas visitors.